

This essay proposes a model of a formal global citizenship that will prove both practically and theoretically feasible. The model flows from the concept of dual or multiple nationality and offers global citizenship only as an elective nationality. To appreciate the interplay between the proposed formal global citizenship and the citizenship tradition, our discussion will first review citizenship theories grounded in the nation-state. We then will turn to critiques of these traditionalist approaches which suggest that not all questions of citizenship can be dealt with in national terms. The conflict between these two approaches is clear in the case of dual nationality, which provides the foundation for our global citizenship model. With that foundation in place, in Part III, 'Towards a Formal Global Citizenship,' we turn to the theoretical and practical aspects of the proposed model, particularly in the area of statelessness. Finally, we can see the real-world impact of these practical benefits in the ongoing case of the Guantinamo prisoners.


Symposium: Eighth Annual LatCrit Conference City & The Citizen: Operations of Power, Strategies of Resistance: Section I: City and Citizenship: Between and Beyond the Nation State
