
The Queen at War: Shared Sovereignty and Gender in Representations of the Granada Campaign

Document Type

Contribution to Books

Publication Date


Publication Title

Queen Isabel I of Castile : Power, Patronage, Persona


Inspired by the quincentenary of the death of Queen Isabel I of Castile, early modern Europe's first powerful queen regnant. This title examines the complex ways in which the Queen and her advisers shaped the music, literature, architecture, and painting of fifteenth-century Spain and how these in turn shaped the sovereign's power and persona.

Original Citation

Lehfeldt, E. A. (2008). The queen at war: shared sovereignity and gender in representations of the Granada Campaign. In B. F. Weissberger (Ed.), Queen Isabel I of Castile : power, patronage, persona (pp. 108-119). Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : Tamesis.
