Date of Award


Degree Type



Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Messemer, Jonathan

Subject Headings

Second language acquisition, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Language and languages -- Study and teaching -- Psychological aspects, English as a second language, Chinese as a second language, Foreign language anxiety, Achievement expectations


This dissertation focuses on interpreting the impacts of foreign language anxiety and individual characteristics on the achievement expectations of Chinese second-language learners and English second-language students at the university level. Four research questions are examined through quantitative design. In relation to methodology, this study utilizes a factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA), logistic regression, and χ 2 as the statistical methods in addition, the latest version of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) is used to analyze the data. This study provides current and future second-language educators and administrators who plan to set up second-language programs with a broad idea of the extent to which foreign language anxiety, personal characteristics, and cultural differences influence the adult learners' achievement expectations in university sponsored second-language programs. This study also outlines the differences between non-Western and Western adult learners and the impact cultural factors have on the adult learners' level of foreign language anxiety

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