Business Faculty Publications



Submissions from 2025


An Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based P-EDR Mechanism for Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) using Machine Learning, Munawar Hussain, Hassan A. Ahmed, Muhammad Zeeshan Babar, Arshad Ali, H. M. Shahzad, Saif Rehman, Hamayun Khan, and Abdulaziz M. Alshahrani

Submissions from 2024


Benchmarking Pretrained Models for Speech Emotion Recognition: A Focus on Xception, Ahmed Hassan, Tehroom Masood, Hassan A. Ahmed, H. M. Shahzad, and Hafiz Muhammad T. Khushi


Leveraging Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based Auto Encoders for Enhanced Anomaly Detection in High-Dimensional Datasets, Aetsam Javad, Madiha Anjum, Hassan Ahmed, Arshad Ali, H. M. Shahzad, Hamayun Lhan, and Abdulaziz M. Alshahrani

Submissions from 2019

lntraday momentum and reversal in China' stock markets, Xiaojun Chu, Zherong Gu, and Haigang Zhou

Learning from Ethical Violations in Public Accounting: The Role of Accountants in South Africa's Gupta-Zuma Corruption Scandal, Mark Holtzblatt and Craig L. Foltin


State Ownership and Banks Information Rents: Evidence from China, Fengyan Ru, Qi Liang, and Wei Wang

Are the stock and real estate markets integrated in China?, Chi-Wei Su, Xiao-Ciu Yin, and Haigang Zhou


Petty Corruption in a Multi-Person, Multi-Stage Bureaucratic Process: formal Models and an Experimental Assessment, David S. Murphy and Scott Yetmar


Does institutional ownership affect information sharing with independent board members?, Deborah D. Smith, Heidi H. Meier, and Pervaiz Alam

New Strategies and Techniques to Preserve Resources of State and Local Government Retirement Funds -The Role of the AGA and CGFM’s as New Fed Recalculation Doubles the Pension Deficit, Craig L. Foltin, Dale Flesher, Gary Previts, and Mary Stone

Improving Pass Rates in Intermediate Accounting I through Student Engagement, Craig L. Foltin, Heidi H. Meier, Mary Jan Rose, and Peter Poznanski


Incorporating Active Adjustment into a Financing Based Model of Capital Structure, Neal Maroney, Wei Wang, and M. Kabir Hassan


Governance structure and performance of private family firms, Tarun Mukherjee, Vighneshwara Swami, and Wei Wang


Social media analytics: Extracting and visualizing Hilton hotel ratings and reviews from TripAdvisor, Yung-Chun Chang, Chih-Hao Ku, and Chun-Hung Chen

The Use of Crowdsourcing and Social Media in Accounting Research, Chih-Hao Ku and Miryam Firoozi

Submissions from 2018

Does Market Response to S&P Additions Reflect Adjustment for Risk?, Marek Marciniak and Deborah D. Smith


Market Share Growth and Stock Returns, Jaideep Chowdhury, Gokhan Sonaer, and Umut Celiker

Defining Data in the New Paradigm Shift: The Directive vs. General Data Protection Regulation, Elizabeth Janko and Scott Yetmar

Market Share Growth and Stock Returns, Jaideep Chowdhury, Gokhan Sonaer, and Umut Celiker

A Comprehensive Review of the Evolution of Accounting Standards for State and Local Government Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits in the United States, Craig L. Foltin, Dale Flesher, Gary Previts, and Mary Stone


An examination of state and local government pension underfunding –Implications and guidance for governance and regulation, Craig L. Foltin

Public Pension Underfunding, Craig L. Foltin, Dale Flesher, Gary Previts, and Mary Stone

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Internal Controls, Lauren M. Golick, Elizabeth Janko, and Scott Yetmar

Tackling environmental pollution in Seoul, South Korea through tax incentives and related strategies, Paul Lee and Heidi H. Meier

New Developments with the Equitable Recoupment Doctrine, Bruce McClain and Richard Molina

Understanding the Cohan Rule and How to Use It, Bruce McClain and Richard Molina


Hedge Fund vs. Non-Hedge Fund Institutional Demand and the Book-to-Market Effect, Mustafa Onur Caglayan, Umut Celiker, and Gokhan Sonaer

Are housing prices improving GDP or vice versa? A cross-regional study of China., Su Chi-Wei, Xiao-Ciu Yin, Ran Tao, and Haigang Zhou

What Counts as Filed Returns for Bankruptcy Discharge, Bruce McClain and Richard Molina


The impact of client information technology capability on audit pricing, Benjamin Hoffman, R. Drew Sellers, and Justyna Skomra

The Latest Audit Risks for Small Businesses and the Caution Needed for Passthrough Filers, Stephanie Lee, Paul J. Lee, and Craig L. Foltin

Accounting for the Underfunding of Public Pensions - Escalating Crisis or Exaggerated Concern?, Craig L. Foltin, Dale Flesher, Gary Previts, and Mary Stone


Market Imperfections, Macroeconomic Conditions, and Capital Structure Dynamics: A Cross-Country Study, Moonsoo Kang, Wei Wang, and Ying Xiao

Passthrough Filers Take Heed: Understanding the Latest Audit Risks for Small Businesses and How to Understand the Details, Craig L. Foltin, Craig L. Foltin, and Stephanie Lee


Managerial conservatism, board independence and corporate innovation, Jun Lu and Wei Wang


Auditors' Assessment of the Capital Market Liability of Foreignness, Deborah Smith, Kimberly C. Gleason, Joan Wiggenhorn, and Yezen H. Kannan

Big Data and Software Engineering - Prospects for Mutual Enrichment, Timothy Arndt


Prototyping a personal learning environment, Timothy Arndt

Task-Representation Fit’s Impact on Cognitive Effort in the Context of Decision Timeliness and Accuracy: A Cognitive Fit Perspective, Dinko Bacic and Raymond M. Henry

Treatment of Acid Orange 74 Wastewater and Sugar Wastewater by Low Cost Adsorbents, S.S.V. Harsha Madiraju, Yung-Tse Hung, and Howard Paul

Chemical Waste and Allied Products 2018, Howard Paul

Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service Learning Course, Janine Spears

Submissions from 2017

The Causal Effect of Family Control on Corporate Disclosures., Ronald C. Anderson, David M. Reeb, and Shuai Wang


Avoiding China's capital market: Evidence from Hong Kong-listed P-Chips and Red-Chips, Weishi Jia, Grace Powell, and Jingram Zhao

Beauty-Contests in the age of Financialization: Information Activism and Retail Investor Behavior, Laura K. Rickett and Pratim Datta


Big Data and Software Engineering: Prospects For Mutual Enrichment, Timothy Arndt

Meeting Earnings Benchmarks via Real Activities Manipulation: Debt Market Effects, Timothy P. Hinkel and Benjamin Hoffman

Firm Investment Efficiency and Auditor Perception of Dividend Policy Changes, Malek Alsharairi, Deborah D. Smith, Mina Glambosky, and Kimberley Gleason


CEO’s Inside Debt and Dynamics of Capital Structure, Eric Brisker and Wei Wang

Policy Implications of a Proposed Framework to Improve the Accessibility and Effectiveness of Internships in Accounting, John Capka and Craig L. Foltin

Does the Market Punish the Many for the Sins of the Few? The Contagion Effect of Accounting Restatements for Foreign Firms Listed in the United States, Weishi Jia and Jingran Zhao


Signaling Versus Free Cash Flow Theory: What Does Earnings Management Reveal About Dividend Initiation?, Deborah Smith and Anita K. Pennathur

Audit fee discounting in the post-SOX environment, Benjamin Hoffman and Albert L. Nagy


Why Do CEOs Agree To The Discipline Of Dividends?, Deborah Smith, Anita K. Pennathur, and Marek R. Marciniak

Price Clustering on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Bill Hu, Christine Jiang, Thomas McInish, and Haigang Zhou


Blockholder Characteristics and Earnings Quality, Aslihan G. Korkmaz, Qingzhong Ma, and Haigang Zhou

The Role of Federal Regulation in State and Local Governments and the Potential Impact of New Reforms: An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Reporting, Disclosure, and Funding, Craig L. Foltin

State and Local Government Pensions at the Crossroads, Craig L. Foltin, Dale L. Flesher, Gary J. Previts, and Mary S. Stone

The Use of Big Data in Auditing and Barriers to Adoption, Laura K. Rickett


Corporate investment and stock liquidity: Evidence on the price impact of trade, Moonsoo Kang, Wei Wang, and Chanyoung Eom


Determining the multi-scale hedge ratios of stock index futures using the lower partial moments method, Jun Dai and Haigang Zhou


Planning for Ubiquitous Learning in PLAN, Timothy Arndt

From Multimedia Micro-University to Macro University and beyond, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio

Recognizing a Parent and Subsidiary Gain or Loss in Indirect Intercompany Bond Transactions, Paul Lee, Rahmet Tavallali, and Stephanie Lee


Global Virtual Teams For Accounting Millennials, Heidi H. Meier, Deborah D. Smith, and Tracy H. Porter

Chemical Waste and Allied Products 2017, Howard Paul

Application of Granular Computing Paradigm in Knowledge Induction, Iftikhar Sikder

Auditors’ Assessment of the Capital Market Liability of Foreignness, Deborah D. Smith, Kimberly C. Gleason, Joan Wiggenhorn, and Yezen H. Kannan


Crowd Sourcing the Creation of Personae Non Gratae for Requirements-Phase Threat Modeling, Janine Spears

The Role of Social Capital in Selecting Interpersonal Information Sources, J Christopher Zimmer and Raymond M. Henry

Submissions from 2016


Cash Flow News, Discount Rate News, and Momentum, Umut Celiker, Nuri Volkan Kayacetin, Raman Kumar, and Gokhan Sonaer

From Multimedia Micro-University to Macro University and Beyond, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio


Acquisitions and Regulatory Arbitrage by Captive Finance Companies, Deborah Smith, Mina Glambosky, Kimberly Gleason, and K. Bryan Menk


The Impact Of Residual Risk And Resultant Problems On Information Systems Development Project Performance, Russel L. Purvis, Raymond M. Henry, Stefan Tams, Varun Grover, John D. McGregor, and Steve Davis


Global Economic Integration In Developing Countries: The Role Of Corruption And Human Capital Investment, Charles E. Bryant and Rajshekhar G. Javalgi


Accounting Teams: Are Peer Evaluations Too Generous?, Laura K. Rickett and Deborah Smith


Investment Bloggers As Emerging Financial Analysts: What Do These Social Media Platforms Mean For Your Company?, Laura K. Rickett and Deborah Smith

SOX 404(b) exemption effects on auditor changes, Benjamin Hoffman and Albert L. Nagy


Should U.S. and Global Regulators Take a Bigger Tax Bite Out of Technology Companies? A Case on Apple's International Tax Minimization and Reporting Strategies, Mark A. Holtzblatt, John T. Geekie, and Norbert Tschakert


Achieving Globalization Of AACSB Accounting Programs With Faculty-Led Study Abroad Education, Heidi Meier and Deborah Smith


A Formalism For PLAN – A Big Data Personal Learning Assistant For University Students, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio

Student-Centered Analytics for Postsecondary Education, Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio


Defining Place Image, Candi Clouse and Ashutosh Dixit