Document Type



The Role of Music in Society Past, Present and Future.pdf

Publication Date



united states, music, genres, American music, association of performing arts presenters, audience, community, education


The author investigates the role of music in the United States from the nineteenth century forward, and how it transformed into new genres through global ideologies. The paper examines the development, social and functional roles in early American music education and envisions music’s future in an ever changing world.

The article encompasses think tank organizations such as the Association of Performing Arts Presenters who have brainstormed on the theme of change and opportunity in America while asking:

• Who are the existing audiences for classical music?

• Who are untapped or potential audiences?

• What do they need to feel welcome?

• How can we deepen their appreciation of the arts?

• How can our beloved art form flourish in an increasingly crowded cultural arena?

These and many other questions are explored in an attempt to modernize the presentation of classical music to a wider contemporary audience. The article stimulates and provokes its readers into taking action by asking them to consider how they would engage audiences, each other, new media, schools and the community to promote the genre.

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Music Commons
