Date of Award

Fall 1-1-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Masters of Education In Exercise Science Degree


Health And Human Performance

First Advisor

Wajda, Douglas

Second Advisor

Dr. Kenneth Sparks

Third Advisor

Dr. Emily Kullman


The eSens Pressure Sensor Array is a prototype device aimed at quantifying the spatiotemporal measurements obtained during walking or running. The objective of the present investigation was to validate the spatiotemporal measurements from the eSens against those of the PKMAS walkway. Twenty-four adults with a mean age of 40.72 years completed the study. Mean group height and weight were 66.64in and 152.48lb respectively. Subjects performed a series of 6 locomotor conditions consisting of 3 differing walking or running speeds. Subjects were asked to walk or run at the instructed speed along a course constructed of markers at 5m or 10m before and after the PKMAS walkway. Subjects would move from one marker to the distal marker before being instructed to turn around and continue until twenty steps were taken on the mat with the foot that instrumented with the eSens. Results showed ICC acceptance (ICC = 0.943) for Stride Time (SdT) during the Slow Walk (SW) condition. No other ICC values showed acceptable agreement between the eSens and PKMAS. These results led to the rejection of the initial hypothesis, that the eSens Pressure Sensor Array as implemented in this study, was a valid tool to quantify spatiotemporal gait measurements.