The International Criminal Court in a Nutshell
Milena Sterio, Patrick Keenan, and Leila Nadya Sadat 2024
The International Criminal Court in a Nutshell is a timely and concise introduction to the International Criminal Court. After a brief history of the creation of the ICC, it covers the Court’s jurisdiction and operations and the Court’s procedures... (view more)
Business Organizations, Third Edition
Chris Sagers and Theresa A. Gabaldon 2023
Business Organizations, Third Edition is a pedagogically rich book that recaptures student engagement in the course without sacrificing basic rigor. The traditional coverage of most books in the field is retained, but modernized in reflecting the importance of unincorporated... (view more)
U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2023
Deborah A. Geier 2022
This is the tenth edition of this textbook, updated through December 15, 2022 for use beginning January 2023.
In addition to incorporating new law and all inflation adjustments, this edition builds on updates made for the ninth edition and... (view more)
Ohio Planning and Zoning Law (2022 ed.)
Alan Weinstein, Kenneth Pearlman, John Bredin, Stuart Meck, and Rebecca Retzlaff 2022
Ohio Planning and Zoning Law is the only comprehensive treatise on Ohio land use controls and related planning and economic development issues. It offers a step-by-step guide to Ohio's permit process as well as in-depth analysis of state legislation... (view more)
Defending K-12 Education Against the New Racism
David Barnhizer 2021
Critical Race Theory’s Narrative of Anti-Racism has tremendous power. The problem is that the Anti-Racism advocated by Ibram Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, the “Woke,” Nikole Hannah-Jones and many of those aggressively advocating Critical Race “Theory” ideology throughout America’s key institutions... (view more)
"Un-Canceling" America
David Barnhizer 2021
We are immersed in a revolutionary moment that has come upon us almost without warning. In large part it is being powered by the Internet and its many applications and data-bases that fuel social media. The disruptive evolution of... (view more)
U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2022
Deborah A. Geier 2021
This is the ninth version of this textbook, updated through December 2021 for use beginning January 2022.
In addition to incorporating new law and all inflation adjustments, this edition incorporates new charts pertaining to economic and tax data, including... (view more)
Strategies and Techniques for Teaching Environmental Law
Heidi Gorovitz Robertson 2021
Teaching law students is an enormous privilege and an immense responsibility. Teaching Environmental Law, in particular, gives the professor an opportunity to help future lawyers understand some important lessons. First, contrary to the belief of many first-year law students,... (view more)
Federal Land Use Law and Litigation
Alan Weinstein and Brian W. Blaesser 2021
Recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, particularly its rulings on eminent domain and takings, require real estate and land use attorneys to have a thorough understanding of applicable federal law.
Local governments must now take into account rights... (view more)
U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2021
Deborah A. Geier 2020
This is the eighth version of this textbook, updated through December 2020 for use beginning January 2021.
In addition to incorporating new law and all inflation adjustments, this 2021 edition incorporates new charts pertaining to economic and tax data,... (view more)
The Syrian Conflict's Impact on International Law
Milena Sterio, Michael P. Scharf, and Paul R. Williams 2020
Written as the decade-long Syria conflict nears an end, this is the first book-length treatment of how the Syrian war has changed international law. In The Syrian Conflict's Impact on International Law, the authors explain the history of the... (view more)
Research Handbook on Post-Conflict State Building
Milena Sterio and Paul R. Williams 2020
As a conflict ends and the parties begin working towards a durable peace, practitioners and peace-builders are faced with the thrilling possibilities and challenges of building new or reformed political, security, judicial, social, and economic structures. This Handbook analyzes... (view more)
Federal Land Use Law and Litigation
Alan Weinstein and Brian W. Blaesser 2020
Federal Land Use Law and Litigation examines all federal, constitutional, and statutory limitations on local land use controls, discussing relevant constitutional doctrines, cases, regulations and litigation strategies. It comprehensively reviews Supreme Court and lower federal court decisions that address... (view more)
The Artificial Intelligence Contagion: Can Democracy Withstand the Imminent Transformation of Work, Wealth and the Social Order?
David Barnhizer and Daniel Barnhizer 2019
As AI/robotics eliminates jobs across the spectrum, governmental revenues will plummet while the debt increases dramatically. This crisis of limited resources on all levels—underfunded or non-existent pensions, health problems, lack of savings, and job destruction without comparable job creation—will... (view more)
U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2020
Deborah A. Geier 2019
This is the seventh version of this textbook, updated through December 2019 for use beginning January 2020.
This textbook is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise; rather, it is intended to be far more useful than that for... (view more)
United States v. Apple: Competition in America
Chris Sagers 2019
In 2012 the Department of Justice accused Apple and five book publishers of conspiring to fix ebook prices. The evidence overwhelmingly showed an unadorned price-fixing conspiracy that cost consumers hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet before, during, and after... (view more)
Business Organizations, Second Edition
Chris Sagers and Theresa A. Gabaldon 2019
Business Organizations, Second Edition is a pedagogically rich book that recaptures student engagement in the course without sacrificing basic rigor. The traditional coverage of most books in the field is retained, but modernized in reflecting the importance of unincorporated... (view more)
The Legacy of Ad Hoc Tribunals in International Criminal Law: Assessing the ICTY's and the ICTR's Most Significant Legal Accomplishments
Milena Sterio and Michael P. Scharf 2019
In the post-Nuremberg era two of the most important developments in international criminal law are the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). Created through UN Security Council resolutions, with specific mandates... (view more)
Federal Land Use Law and Litigation
Alan Weinstein and Brian W. Blaesser 2019
Federal Land Use Law and Litigation examines all federal, constitutional, and statutory limitations on local land use controls, discussing relevant constitutional doctrines, cases, regulations and litigation strategies. It comprehensively reviews Supreme Court and lower federal court decisions that address... (view more)
Ohio Planning and Zoning Law (2019 ed.)
Alan Weinstein, Kenneth Pearlman, John Bredin, and Rebecca Retzlaff 2019
Overview of planning and zoning law in Ohio, emphasizing reported and unreported Ohio case law, with analysis of significant decisions from other states and the federal courts when they are relevant. In addition, this book summarizes Ohio and important... (view more)
Representing the Professional Athlete
Peter Carfagna 2018
Representing the Professional Athlete begins with a comprehensive overview of the complex regulatory framework pertaining to the legal representation of pre-professional NCAA Student-Athletes. It then continues to provide the reader with an interactive, hands-on guide to negotiating, drafting, and... (view more)
Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell
Michael H. Davis and Arthur R. Miller 2018
Authors Michael Davis and famed Harvard professor Arthur Miller provide authoritative coverage on the foundations of patents, trademarks, and copyright laws. Authoritative treatment of all relevant doctrines and the latest statutory and judicial changes. Text further addresses relevant torts,... (view more)
U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2019
Deborah A. Geier 2018
This is the sixth version of this textbook, updated through December 2018 for use beginning January 2019, incorporating the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
This textbook is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise; rather, it is intended to... (view more)
Prosecuting Juvenile Piracy Suspects: The International Legal Framework
Milena Sterio 2018
Duncan Gaswaga, a former judge of the Seychelles Supreme Court who has presided over numerous piracy trials, asked the following question: "What is a judge to do when a bearded piracy suspect facing justice asserts that he is fourteen?"... (view more)
Secession in International Law: A New Framework
Milena Sterio 2018
Secession in International Law argues that the effective development of criteria on secession is a necessity in today’s world, because secessionist struggles can be analyzed through the legal lens only if we have specific legal rules to apply. Without... (view more)
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