International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
Volume 43, Number 1 (2024)
This is the second issue of the International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest in its new open-access, online format. In this edition, we are excited to introduce two new sections: Book Reviews and Interviews. With the interview featuring Dr. Carmen Silva-Corvalán, we aim to establish a tradition of honoring some of the most influential linguists in the fields of Spanish and Spanish in the United States. Our journal is steadily growing, and we are working to restore both consistency and relevance. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the completion of this issue. Currently, we publish one issue per year, but we aspire to produce two issues annually as the journal becomes more firmly established. Antonio Medina-Rivera Executive Editor Cleveland State UniversityTable of Contents
Table of Contents, Volume 43, No 1
Antonio Medina-Rivera
Editorial Note
Antonio Medina-Rivera
Research Papers
Addressing the Big Picture as a Community-Engaged Linguist: Community-Engaged Scholarship and Applied Learning for Systemic Change
Rachel E. Showstack
Spanish on Bulletin Boards in Baltimore Public Libraries
Francisco Martínez Ibarra
British Latino: Investigating discourse-stylistic variables and the construction of persona within podcasting
Jonathan A. Pye
Entrevista A Carmen Silva-Corvalán
Antonio Medina-Rivera
Book Review
U.S. Mexican Spanish West of the Mississippi. Social Context and Linguistic Features
Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia
Editorial Advisors
Antonio Medina-Rivera