The Central Retail Food Market of Cleveland, Ohio
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A study of the Central Retail Food Market in Cleveland, Ohio was made in 1947 at the request of Mayor Thomas A. Burke (Marketing and Facilities Research Branch 3 of the Production and Marketing Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture) to determine the public need for a new market. In the previous year the city had voted favorably on a bond issue of $1,000,000 for the relocation and rebuilding of the market, provided it could be made self-supporting in a reasonable length of time. The Central Market building, built in 1857 and occupied until December 1949, when it was destroyed by fire....The final determination of whether or not a new public retail market should be built in downtown Cleveland to replace Central Market will have to be made by city officials (excerpt from survey summary). Original publication date 1951.
Publication Date
MSL Academic Endeavors
Cleveland, Ohio
Retail food, Cleveland agriculture, rural economics, Central Market, West Side Market, Broadway Market. Cleveland survey
Agribusiness | History | United States History | Urban, Community and Regional Planning
Recommended Citation
Otten, C. J.; Clark, Saxon D.; Lowstuter, A. B.; Hauck, Charles W.; and United States Department of Agriculture, "The Central Retail Food Market of Cleveland, Ohio" (2014). Cleveland Memory. 24.
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This electronic edition contains the complete text as found in the print edition of the book. Original copyright to this book is reserved by the author(s). Organizations and individuals seeking to use these materials outside the bounds of fair use or copyright law must obtain permission directly from the appropriate copyright holder. For more information about fair use, see the Michael Schwartz Library's copyright guide: http://researchguides.csuohio.edu/copyright/fairuse. Any permitted use of this edition must credit the Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library and MSL Academic Endeavors as the source.
Written by United States Department of Agriculture Production and Marketing Administration Marketing and Facilities Research Branch in cooperation with the Ohio State University Department of Rural Economics.
The original print version was published in 1951.
Redistributed digitally by the Cleveland Memory Project and MSL Academic Endeavors in 2014.