FAQ | EngagedScholarship@CSU

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I give feedback about how open access to EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University has benefited me?

To give feedback about how open access to EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University has benefited you, please click here.

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Can I change my name displaying on a record and/or materials that I authored?

Anyone with materials in EngagedScholarship @ CSU (ES @ CSU) may request to change the name displaying on a record and/or materials that they authored. While there are a number of reasons that someone may want to do so (including name changes related to gender, marriage, religion, etc.), no justification is required for a name change to be implemented. The change does not need to reflect the author’s past or current legal name(s).

To request a name change, email the ES @ CSU administrators at library.es@csuohio.edu with the following information:

  • A complete list of materials containing the former name, including a link to each item
  • The name(s) currently listed on the materials in EngagedScholarship
  • The new name under which you would like to be listed.

The name change will then be made as requested on both the item record(s) and the document(s). The previous name will not be visible publicly unless specifically requested; if you want such a note, let us know what language to use. You are responsible for contacting your coauthors if you want them to know about the change.

Please note: ES administrators can only change records and documents in EngagedScholarship @ CSU; if the item is located elsewhere, you must contact each institution separately.

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Can I make revisions to my submitted materials once they are posted?

Items submitted to EngagedScholarship @ CSU are assumed to be the final version; authors should not plan to make changes to the posted material. However, if revisions are requested, they will need to be made by repository administrators; authors cannot make edits after the item has been posted.

At the request of the author(s), the following types of changes may be made at the administrators’ discretion:

  • Small edits to metadata, such as adding a department or correcting the spelling of a name (for other name change requests, see the Author Name Change Procedure).
  • Edits to the document itself, such as spelling corrections, that do not affect the meaning of the contents.
  • Material changes that affect the meaning of the content. Since people may have already used or cited the existing version, these changes must be clearly noted in the description as well as in the document itself.
  • Note: Theses and dissertations cannot be revised. The posted version reflects the final accepted version approved by faculty for graduation and the contents may not be changed after publication with the exception of author names (see the Author Name Change Procedure).

To request such changes, contact the EngagedScholarship @ CSU administrators at library.es@csuohio.edu and include the following information:

  • Exactly what you want to have changed. These changes will be noted in the system, but readers will see only the updated information. If you want only the background metadata revised, rather than the contents of the material, this is all you need to do.
  • If the changes are to the document itself, provide an updated version of the file to replace the existing one. In your email, specify what changes it includes and why you are requesting to make them.
  • If the changes are small edits that do not affect the meaning of the material, simply provide the revised version. The new file will replace the old one and the change will be noted in the system, but users will see only the updated version.
  • If the revisions affect the meaning of the material, the updated document should include the following note on the front page: “REVISION (number), (new date). Replaces (previous version number and date), available at (link to item in EngagedScholarship @ CSU) under ‘Supplemental Files.’ (Describe change).” This document will replace the previous one as the primary file and the EngagedScholarship @ CSU link will remain the same as the original version. Unless otherwise requested as stated in the Author Name Change Procedure, the updates will be noted in the comments section and earlier versions will be available as supplemental files.

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What is the Withdrawal/Takedown Procedure?

The purpose of EngagedScholarship @ CSU is to provide permanent, free, public access to materials created by Cleveland State University faculty, staff, students, and affiliates.

Cleveland State University reserves the right, at its discretion, to reject or remove publications from the repository under special circumstances. Depending on the situation, an item may be: (i) removed from ES @ CSU entirely; (ii) placed under an embargo for a set period before becoming public again; or, (iii) made visible only to CSU community members. Additionally, the metadata (title, author, abstract, etc.) may remain publicly available or be removed.

Reasons for removal shall not be content based, but may include, without limitation, the following:

  • The item was posted by someone without the author’s permission
  • Part or all of the content is found to be plagiarized and therefore in violation of university policy
  • Part or all of the content is found to be in violation of copyright law
  • The item contains information that should not have been made public (confidential, proprietary, endangers the author or a subject, etc.)
  • The item is in violation of applicable CSU policies or other applicable laws and/or regulations
  • The item is a duplicate of something already in the repository

If your work is in EngagedScholarship @ CSU and you would like it removed or if you have a concern about something in the repository, contact the administrators at library.es@csuohio.edu. Your request will be considered and responded to by ES @ CSU staff. In some cases, the material in question may be hidden from public view during the review process and reposted if there is not a valid reason for removing it from the repository.

These Procedures will be continually reviewed and edited as needed to meet community needs. Contact the ES @ Cleveland State University administrators at library.es@csuohio.edu with questions.

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