EngagedScholarship@CSU - The Common Reading Experience: 3/26 Potted Potter at the Ohio Theatre

Event Title

3/26 Potted Potter at the Ohio Theatre


1511 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH

Event Website


Start Date

26-3-2015 7:30 PM

End Date

26-3-2015 9:30 PM


A Critic's Pick by the New York Times, New York Magazine and Time Out London, Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience — A Parody by Dan and Jeff, won the prestigious 2012 Olivier Award nomination for Best Entertainment & Family Show; playing to sold-out houses worldwide. Written and performed by former BBC Television hosts Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner, the play takes on the ultimate challenge of condensing, or "potting", all seven Harry Potter books into 70 madcap minutes, aided only by multiple costume changes, brilliant songs, ridiculous props and a generous helping of Hogwarts magic. The show also invites audiences to engage with a real life game of Quidditch, but according to Clarkson and Turner's unique set of rules.

Whether you camped outside a bookstore for three days awaiting the release of the Deathly Hallows or you don't know the difference between a horcrux and a Hufflepuff, the comedy, magic and mayhem of POTTED POTTER makes for an entertaining and hilarious visit to the theatre. The fast-paced show, which has made audiences aged six to Dumbledore (who is very old indeed) roar with laughter all over the world, is perfect for the entire family.

Potted Potter is part of the Star Performance Series.

Pre-Registration Required




1. Each RSVP for Potted Potter holds ONE (1) ticket.

2. ONLY CSU students enrolled in Spring 2015 ASC 101 with a current valid CSU ID may RSVP.

3. You MUST pick up your ticket for Potted Potter by March 6, 2015 in the EXPLORATORY/FIRST YEAR ADVISING/TRIO office. Your ticket WILL NOT be at the Ohio Theatre will call.

4. If you fail to pick up your ticket by March 6, 2015 you forfeit your RSVP.

5. Please bring your CSU ID to pick up your ticket. You will be asked to produce it and sign for your ticket.

6. If you no-show at the event your instructor will be so informed.

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Mar 26th, 7:30 PM Mar 26th, 9:30 PM

3/26 Potted Potter at the Ohio Theatre

1511 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH

A Critic's Pick by the New York Times, New York Magazine and Time Out London, Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience — A Parody by Dan and Jeff, won the prestigious 2012 Olivier Award nomination for Best Entertainment & Family Show; playing to sold-out houses worldwide. Written and performed by former BBC Television hosts Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner, the play takes on the ultimate challenge of condensing, or "potting", all seven Harry Potter books into 70 madcap minutes, aided only by multiple costume changes, brilliant songs, ridiculous props and a generous helping of Hogwarts magic. The show also invites audiences to engage with a real life game of Quidditch, but according to Clarkson and Turner's unique set of rules.

Whether you camped outside a bookstore for three days awaiting the release of the Deathly Hallows or you don't know the difference between a horcrux and a Hufflepuff, the comedy, magic and mayhem of POTTED POTTER makes for an entertaining and hilarious visit to the theatre. The fast-paced show, which has made audiences aged six to Dumbledore (who is very old indeed) roar with laughter all over the world, is perfect for the entire family.

Potted Potter is part of the Star Performance Series.

