EngagedScholarship@CSU - The Common Reading Experience: 3/26 Read-In Day HAS BEEN CANCELLED. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Event Title

3/26 Read-In Day HAS BEEN CANCELLED. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Michael Schwartz Library, 1st floor east

Event Website


Start Date

26-3-2015 11:30 AM

End Date

26-3-2015 12:30 PM


In celebration of Women's History Month, the Library, is hosting a Read-In. Join the campus community to hear fellow faculty, staff, and students read aloud both fiction and non-fiction prose and poetry by and about women that is significant to them. CSU students, in particular, are also encouraged to not only attend the event for their enjoyment, but also for the opportunity to make the most of Women's History Month by learning about and sharing literary works by and about women.

Pre-Registration Required



If you would like to participate as a reader contact Professor Barbara Walker, English, at 216-687-2563 or b.s.walker@CSUohio.edu to discuss your selection and to schedule a time (limited to 5 minutes). Participating as a reader also fulfills the Campus Service requirement for ASC101. This is a two-for-one Common Reading/Campus Service event!

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Mar 26th, 11:30 AM Mar 26th, 12:30 PM

3/26 Read-In Day HAS BEEN CANCELLED. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Michael Schwartz Library, 1st floor east

In celebration of Women's History Month, the Library, is hosting a Read-In. Join the campus community to hear fellow faculty, staff, and students read aloud both fiction and non-fiction prose and poetry by and about women that is significant to them. CSU students, in particular, are also encouraged to not only attend the event for their enjoyment, but also for the opportunity to make the most of Women's History Month by learning about and sharing literary works by and about women.

