Issues of Reproductive Rights: Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Policy | Journal of Law and Health Lecture Series

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Date: 3/7/14
Time: 1pm-4pm; Reception from 4pm-5pm (Refreshments and light hors d'oeuvres)
Location: Moot Court Room- Cleveland-Marshall College of Law (Directions)
CLE Credits: 3 hours approved

This event is the Journal of Law and Health's second annual spring symposium. This year, the symposium will address recent developments in law that affect women's reproductive health. Three distinguished professors of law from around the country will present articles to be published in the Journal of Law and Health's first issue of Volume 28.

The presentations will address key legal developments in each stage of reproductive health: contraception, decision-making during gestation, and legal consequences after a pregnancy has been terminated. The first presenter will address the recent challenges to the so-called "contraceptive mandate" to the Affordable Care Act. The second presenter will address the applicability of international human rights law on the definition of "life" in the context of recent state legislation around the country which seeks to limit access to abortion services on the basis of fetal impairment or genetic selection. The final presenter will provide analysis of social expectations placed on women and mothers and the impact these perceptions have on women's reproductive rights.

The purpose of this symposium is to offer insights into one of the most fundamental and controversial areas of the law. This symposium will benefit health lawyers, civil rights lawyers, family lawyers, and any practitioner involved or otherwise interested in state policymaking.

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Friday, March 7th
1:00 PM

Overview of Recent Developments in the Law

Gordon R. Gantt, Journal of Law and Health

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

1:30 PM

Recent Challenges to the So-Called "Contraceptive Mandate" to the Affordable Care Act

Michael DeBoer, Faulkner University School of Law

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

1:30 PM - 2:10 PM

2:10 PM

The International Human Rights Definition of "Life" and State Legislation Limiting Abortion on the Basis of Genetic Selection or Fetal Impairment

Carole Petersen, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

2:10 PM - 2:50 PM

2:50 PM

State Legislation Imposing Civil and Criminal Sanctions on Expectant Mothers in an Effort to Protect the Fetus

April L. Cherry, Cleveland State University

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

2:50 PM - 3:30 PM

3:30 PM

Question and Answer Time

Michael DeBoer, Faulkner University School of Law
Carole Petersen, University of Hawaii at Manoa
April L. Cherry, Cleveland State University

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM