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Committee Members

Gillian Gulan, Jennifer Soros


Sexual activity and intimacy are meaningful occupations for many individuals, regardless of ability. According to the OTPF-4, sexual activity and intimacy are activities of daily living. It is also a right for persons to have access to engage in meaningful activities. However, there is significant information reported that individuals with spinal cord injuries are not receiving sufficient, or any, information for returning to sexual activity during occupational therapy treatment. A program manual, educational materials, and handouts were designed for those with spinal cord injuries seeking to return to the ADL of sexual activity and intimacy upon discharge from inpatient rehabilitation.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Publication Date

Spring 2024


Occupation, activity of daily living, ADL, inpatient rehabilitation, manual


Occupational Therapy

Returning to Sexual Activity and Intimacy After Spinal Cord Injury
