"Motivation, Strategies, and Competency in Chinese L2 Classroom" by Xiongyi Liu and Lih-Ching Chen Wang

Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology

Chinese Title


English Abstract

The present study examines the effectiveness of a game-based mobile technology application Kahoot on the motivation and language competency of high school student learning Chinese as a second language, and the relationship among student motivation, learning strategy use, and language competency in such a technology-facilitated classroom. Data was collected using pre and post surveys from a class of 18 students taught by a teacher candidate in a Chinese teaching licensure program at a state university. The results indicate significant student improvements in two areas of Chinese language learning: reading and speaking, though no significant difference was found in the areas of listening and vocabulary or in student motivation. Motivation and learning strategies were found to be positively related to Chinese proficiency, with the exception of cognitive and affective strategies which mainly correlate with Chinese speaking competency. Findings and limitations of the study were discussed and implications for future research were suggested.

Chinese Abstract


Manuscript Language

