"Teaching "shi...de" with multimedia" by Shenglan Zhang

Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology

Author Name in Chinese


Author Affiliation in Chinese

Iowa State University

English Abstract

This pilot study examined the effectiveness and students’ perceptions of a multimedia module on intermediate Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language (CFL) learners’ understanding and use of the “shì…de” construction. The module was designed based on the First Principles of Instruction (Morrill, 2002) and the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 2009; 2014). It provided a systematic and comprehensive approach to teaching the “shì…de” construction, one of the most challenging grammar points in CFL. Twenty-two CFL learners participated in this mixed-methods pilot study. Data were collected using pre- and post-tests, a survey, think-alouds, and semi-structured interviews. Findings show that after using the module, students’ understanding and use of the construction significantly improved, except for their understanding of the second usage. The students enjoyed using the module and appreciated how it was designed, the way it was presented, and its availability. The reasons for the effectiveness of the module were analyzed and led to suggested improvements to the design of the module. The detailed description of the design process and the research result contribute to the knowledge of designing grammar teaching modules with multimedia for online, blended, and flipped learning.

Chinese Abstract

此先导研究主要考察多媒体教学模块对于中级学习者学习特定句型表达(“是…的”的两种用法) 的有效性以及学习者的反馈。基于Morrill(2002)的教学第一原则理论与Mayer(2009; 2014)的多媒体认知理论,这一模块的设计为非常具有挑战性的语法点“是…的”提供了一个系统综合的教学方式。此项研究采用了混合研究方法,共有二十二位中级学习者参与其中。前测、后测的数据分析结果发现,此模块对“是…的”除了第二个用法的理解以外其他方面的学习(用法理解、句法结构以及使用产出)都有显著帮助。问卷、出声思考,以及半结构性访谈所提供的数据分析结果显示,学习者非常乐于使用这一模块,喜欢其设计与呈现方法。文章最后分析了其受欢迎的原因,以及如何进一步改善。此研究为针对网课、混合教学模式以及翻转课堂中设计网上多媒体语法教学模块方面具有参考意义。

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