"Educational ePortfolio Use and Implementation in Chinese Teaching" by Peng Zhang and Rui Yang

Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology

Chinese Title


Author Name in Chinese


Author Affiliation

Stamford American School Hong Kong

English Abstract

Numerous studies have explored e-portfolio implementation research in-depth; it has grown in popularity and become widespread. This study conducted a comprehensive review of the current secondary literature on the use of e-portfolios in education in order to narrow down the considerable volume of research, develop new knowledge, and further offer implications in Chinese teaching. This study synthesized the secondary articles from 2011 to 2021 and analyzed the retrieved data using the SWOT framework. A keyword search for e-portfolio and reviews generated 636 review articles. These papers were then scrutinized to see whether they fit the criteria, and 12 review articles were identified. While there are limitations to e-portfolio, the study found that it can be beneficial in teaching and learning if used properly. Overall, there are many new opportunities for e-portfolio implementation, but threats are also to be addressed. By analyzing the use of e-portfolios in education, this paper further explores the possibilities of employing e-portfolio in Chinese teaching.

Chinese Abstract

电子学档在教育中的应用愈来愈受学界关注,目前已有诸多调查研究成果。然而具体在中 文教学领域,鲜有电子学档与中文教学相结合的研究文献与相关实践。为整合相关研究, 总结电子学档的功能特点和应用现状,进一步探讨其在中文教学中运用的可能性,本研究 对近十年来泛教育领域内电子学档应用的二级文献进行了系统综述和 SWOT 分析。通过 对电子学档和文献综述的关键词搜索,共获取 636 篇文章;并通过预设标准对这些选文进 行了进一步分析审查,最后共纳入 12 篇综述文献作为分析对象。研究发现,虽然电子学档应用目前尚有局限,但其优势也十分明显, 如灵活性与可操作性强、利于自主学习、 反思学习、合作学习和二十一世纪技能培养等。随着科技的不断进步与多样化平台的涌 现,电子学档在教学应用中有许多新机遇,不过随之并存的也有一些需要多加注意的威 胁。通过对电子学档在泛教育领域内的分析,本文进一步探讨了电子学档具体在中文教学 应用中的可能性并提出了应用建议。

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