"FullChinese at MIT: An Integration fo Intermediate Students" by Emmanuel Roche and Tong Chen

Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology

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English Abstract

We describe here ten years of development of a Chinese learning technology and five years of practical experience in integrating this technology in MIT classrooms for intermediate-high and advanced-low students. Key results are as follows:

  • There is no need to disrupt the classroom experience (both for the teacher and the students);
  • Technology provides a sharp increase in learning efficiency and motivation, as confirmed by students; and
  • This overall improvement in learning is achieved by focusing on the efficiency of personal study time.

The most salient type of feedback from students falls into two categories: “I wouldn’t have been able to take a class at that level without FullChinese,” and “The use of technology allowed me to prepare for class two to three times faster.” Results were achieved through a slow iterative process during which our learning technology evolved to solve observed needs in acquiring complex new material.

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