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From the forward by Darrell A.Young: "The city fathers have been called visionaries. The city has been studied by architects, planners, engineers and the like from all over the country. What is it about Beachwood that has attracted so much attention?
To be certain, there is something magical that has taken place over the last 80 years in Beachwood and Jeffrey Morris has finally documented the historical blueprint from which we can study and learn. This book is the first opportunity to understand our heritage and to delve into the intellect that forged this wonderful community."
ISBN-13: 978-1-936323-19-7, ISBN-10:1-936323-19-2
Publication Date
MSL Academic Endeavors
Cleveland, Ohio
Social life and customs
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Recommended Citation
Morris, Jeffrey S., "Beechwood, The Book" (2012). Cleveland Memory. 11.
Copyright Statement
This electronic edition contains the complete text as found in the print edition of the book. Original copyright to this book is reserved by the author(s). Organizations and individuals seeking to use these materials outside the bounds of fair use or copyright law must obtain permission directly from the appropriate copyright holder. For more information about fair use, see the Michael Schwartz Library's copyright guide: Any permitted use of this edition must credit the Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library and MSL Academic Endeavors as the source.
Redistributed by Cleveland Memory project and MSL Academic Endeavors in 2012.
Jeffrey S. Morris is also the author of Haymarket to the Heights 2014