Rust or Go Missing
Lily Brown was born and raised in Massachusetts. She holds degrees from Harvard University, Saint Mary's College of California, and the University of Georgia. In addition to Rust or Go Missing, she is the author of five chapbooks, including The Haptic Cold (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013). She lives and teaches in the Bay Area.
“Lily Brown writes with and against things in poems that are coiled up tight as springs (or snakes). A believer in the power of the line, she writes, ‘I think the plastics/and sink them’ then ‘Where is the sand/man hiding the dirt.’ These terse, biting poems will make you look around and wonder.” –Rae Armantrout
“Sometimes tender, sometimes spiral-eyed—but always, as we say, ‘of a mind’ —Lily Brown’s sonorous and cerebral poems can fire synapses you never knew you had. If you’re careful, Rust or Go Missing will keep you on the edge of your head.” –Graham Foust
“Reading Lily Brown’s poems, I feel myself in the presence of an electric consciousness gazing at the temporal rifts and physical folds beneath landscapes and the manifold tensions between bodies. Poetic language here is an instrument of thought or, rather, of a thinking that breathes and is embodied and seeks a new path. By all means, join her along the way.” –Michael Palmer
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Publication Date
Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Recommended Citation
Brown, Lily, "Rust or Go Missing" (2011). CSU Poetry Center Books. 54.