Cleveland State University College of Arts & Sciences | Cleveland State University Research | EngagedScholarship@CSU

Inaugural Dean of the newly formed college: Dr. Andrew Kersten

The largest of CSU’s colleges, the College of Arts and Sciences has more than 150 full-time faculty and 2500 students in the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences. The college offers 13 master’s degrees, 27 undergraduate majors, 5 4+1 programs, and licensure examinations in different disciplines.


Browse the College of Arts & Sciences Collections:

Anthropology Department

Asian Studies Program

Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences Department

Center for Public History + Digital Humanities

Chemistry Department

College of Arts and Sciences Dissertations

College of Arts and Sciences Theses

CSU Poetry Center

Department of Africana Studies

Department of Art and Design

Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Engaged Learning Exhibitions

English Department

History Department

Mathematics and Statistics Department

Music Department

Philosophy and Religious Studies Department

Physics Department

Political Science Department

Psychology Department

Theatre and Dance Department