Business Faculty Publications
From Multimedia Micro-University to Macro University and Beyond
Document Type
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Publication Title
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing
distance education; multimedia learning; educational materials transformations
Business | Education | Higher Education | Instructional Media Design | Online and Distance Education
For this special issue of the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing in honor of Prof. Shi-Kuo Chang we review Prof. Chang's research contributions to the field of education. Always visionary and inspirational, these works reflect Prof. Chang's student-centered approach and his interest in building relationships among international educators in order to bring the benefits of such collaborations among educators to the students while keeping in mind the motto “Small is beautiful”.
Recommended Citation
Arndt, T. & Guercia, A. (2016). From multimedia micro-university to macro university and beyond. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, in press. doi:10.1016/j.jvlc.2016.10.002.