"IPO Firms' Voluntary Compliance With SOX 404 As Evidence On The Value " by Qianyun Huang, Kimberly Gleason et al.

Business Faculty Publications

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Advances in Business Research


initial public offering, Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, internal control, auditing, voluntary disclosure, cost effectiveness, capital market, internal auditing, going public, underpricing


Accounting | Business | Corporate Finance | Finance and Financial Management


Newly public firms are not required to comply with SOX 404 for their initial public offerings. This provides a unique setting in which to investigate the benefits of voluntary disclosure with SOX 404 and the value of information revealed as a consequence of compliance. We investigate whether voluntary compliance with SOX 404, either fully or partially, impacts the perceived risk of firms conducting IPOs on the first day of trading (reflected in underpricing) or following the IPO. Our results indicate that neither full compliance with SOX 404 at the time of the IPO, nor a managerial discussion of internal controls prior to the IPO, result in lower underpricing or higher post-IPO performance. This suggests that the costs incurred through the SOX 404 compliance process may be unnecessary. Indirectly, our results provide additional evidence that some of the requirements of SOX extract costs from shareholders without supporting better quality information.


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