Business Faculty Publications
Improving Pass Rates in Intermediate Accounting I through Student Engagement
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Accounting Instructors Report
Accounting | Business
After completing Principles of Accounting I (financial accounting) and II (managerial accounting), most Accounting majors enroll in Intermediate Accounting 1 .
For almost all students, the quantity and difficulty level of the material makes Intermediate Accounting one of the most difficult courses they will take in their degree program. Compounding this difficulty level is the elapsed time since they took Principles of Accounting I. Without a thorough knowledge of Principles of Accounting I, especially the basic concepts, many students are re-learning the material from Principles of Accounting I at the same time they are attempting to learn the new material from Intermediate Accounting.
Recommended Citation
Foltin, Craig L.; Meier, Heidi H.; Rose, Mary Jan; and Poznanski, Peter, "Improving Pass Rates in Intermediate Accounting I through Student Engagement" (2019). Business Faculty Publications. 296.