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Burt W. Griffin has been a judge of the Common Pleas Court of Cuyahoga County, Ohio since January 3, 1975. From 1966 to 1975, he served as a legal aid lawyer in various capacities including Executive Director of the Cleveland Legal Aid Society and National Director of the Legal Services Program, U.S. Office of Economic opportunity. He was Assistant Counsel to the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy during 1964. Judge Griffin has been a life-long resident of Greater Cleveland. He was born in Cleveland's Hough section in 1932, lived in the Shaker Square area of Cleveland from 1937 to 1960, and has resided in Shaker Heights since then. Judge Griffin is a political science graduate of Amherst College, B.A. Cum Laude, 1954 and Yale Law School, J.D., 1959.
Publication Date
College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University
Neighborhood government, Decentralization in government, Politics and government
Law | Law and Politics | Legal Studies | Physical and Environmental Geography | Property Law and Real Estate | Urban Studies and Planning
Recommended Citation
Griffin, Burt W., "Cities Within a City : On Changing Cleveland's Government" (1981). Cleveland Memory. 15.

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Law and Politics Commons, Legal Studies Commons, Physical and Environmental Geography Commons, Property Law and Real Estate Commons, Urban Studies and Planning Commons