"The Cleveland Jewish Society Book: Vol. II, 1917" by The Jewish Independent Publishing Co.



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The Cleveland Jewish Society Books were published from 1915 to 1925 by the Jewish Independent Publishing Company, a locally owned publisher that published the weekly Jewish Independent. The books were similar in appearance to the Cleveland Blue Book, a guide for society’s elite. The listings in the Cleveland book listed individuals by country club. The Jewish books list individuals by congregations. In many cases there are separate lists of the congregations’ ladies auxiliary, along with information on social service agencies. The book also included advertisements.


ISBN13: 978-1-936323-60-9 ISBN10:1-936323-60-5

Publication Date



MSL Academic Endeavors


Cleveland, Ohio


Cleveland Jewish Books, Jewish Congregations, Jewish Community in Cleveland


History | United States History


The books are a valuable resource for those conducting genealogy researches within the time period. The advertisements and information on the various social service agencies provide insight into the times. Eight editions were published over the ten year period. Three books available for download in EngagedScholarship@CSU are for the years 1915, 1917, & 1919.

The printed books are housed in Jewish Genealogical Society, Anshe Chesed, Fairmount Temple.

Redistributed digitally by Cleveland Memory Project and MSL Academic Endeavors in 2016.

Copyright Statement

This electronic edition contains the complete text as found in the print edition of the book. Any use of this edition must credit the Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library and MSL Academic Endeavors as the source.

The Cleveland Jewish Society Book: Vol. II, 1917
