Cleveland Union Station: A Description of the New Passenger Facilities and Surrounding Improvements, 1930
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When the Cleveland Union Terminal was formally opened in 1930, this souvenir dedication book was issued, explaining the new project and showing beautiful drawings of the facility. Although not credited in the original book, the illustrations appear to be the work of John Kemeny, noted illustrator of Hungarian language publications in Cleveland at the time. Original publication date 1930.
Publication Date
MSL Academic Endeavors
Cleveland, Cleveland Union Terminal
Cleveland history
History | United States History
Recommended Citation
The Cleveland Union Terminal Co and The Cleveland Terminals Building Co, "Cleveland Union Station: A Description of the New Passenger Facilities and Surrounding Improvements, 1930" (2010). Cleveland Memory. 56.
Copyright Statement
This digital version is the property of Cleveland State University and short extracts may be used for academic and private research purposes only. No significant reproduction of this digital edition, and no commercial use in any amount or form is permitted without express written consent of the university. Any permitted use of this edition must credit the Cleveland State University Library and MSL Academic Endeavors as the source.
Redistributed digitally by Cleveland Memory Project and MSL Academic Endeavors.
Thanks goes to Shelia Harris, who typed the text, and to Jonetha K. Jackson who converted it to html, scanned the images, and brought the project to completion. Bill Barrow provided oversight and added some final enhancements and Bill Becker provide logistical support. All are members of the Special Collections staff at the Cleveland State University Library at the time this Web edition was prepared.