Interdisciplinary-Law Symposium
Volume 18, Issue 3 (1969) Interdisciplinary-Law Symposium
Interdisciplinary-Law Symposium
Table of Contents
Cleveland-Marshall Law Review
Student Unrest, and the Law
William B. Saxbe
Journalistic Media and Fair Trial
William M. Ware and Gerard D. DiMarco
Libelous Ridicule by Journalists
James M. Naughton and Eric R. Gilbertson
Pollution, Law, Science, and Damage Awards
Thomas M. Schmitz
Public Relations, Law, and Environmental Pollution
Barbara L. Schoonover and David J. Sherriff
Industrial Engineering and the Law
Robert E. Walker and Robert A. Fein
The Military and the Law
James K. Gaynor
Non-Resident Expert Testimony on Local Hospital Standards
Kent E. Baldauf
Abortion Laws: The Perplexing Problem
Carl E. Wasmuth and Kenet E. Chareau
Pharmacy, Law, and the U.C.C., and Patent Medicines
John J. Kuchinski
Music and Law: Copyrighting a Musical Idea
Irving B. Marks and Robert M. Phillips
Defective Automobiles and the U.C.C.
William T. Stanley Jr.
Lawyers and Legislatures
John C. McDonald and James S. Turner
Broker-Dealer Disclosure of Corporate Inside Information
James K. Weeks and Jeffrey V. McCormick
Punitive Damages against Shipowners
Arthur E. Miller
Police Warning in Drunk Driver Tests
Richard Galex
Arbitration as a Remedy in Labor Disputes
William F. Powers
Role of the Attorney in Juvenile Court
Julian Greenspun
Retirement Plans for Self-Employed Individuals
Doris R. Hauth
Book Reviews
Book Review
James B. Boskey
Book Review
Philip J. Bourne
Book Review
William Tabac