Since the subject of non-profit corporations covers such a broad area, this paper will be limited to "Type B corporations" (i.e., the "charitable" type) as described in the new New York Not-For-Profit Corporations Law. These classifications of the new statutory concept (Types A, B, C, D) look to the general purpose of the organization, rather than to a very specific purpose, or to whether or not stock is issued. The New York law further provides for the possibility of any corporation having multiple and overlapping purposes, thus providing a very rational and simple (though debatable as to policy) test to apply for classification purposes.
Recommended Citation
B. Richard Sutter,
Death of Charitable Trust Corporation Law,
20 Clev. St. L. Rev.
available at https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/clevstlrev/vol20/iss2/4