The action of the SEC has mooted, for regulated firms, the question of whether or not an obligation existed to report a segmented earnings statement even without administrative regulation. Some had suggested that such an obligation did exist. No matter; the question is now answered affirmatively, such reports must be prepared. We are none-the-less left with the thorny question of how best to provide segmented financial reports. The next section of this paper will identify the major problems of implementation. Then attention will be focused upon one of these problems and an examination will be made of its possible resolution on a theory drawn from case law developed in the corporate field.
Recommended Citation
J. V. Baumler,
Line-of-Business Reporting: A Legal Basis,
24 Clev. St. L. Rev.
available at https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/clevstlrev/vol24/iss2/3