The 1976 Copyright Act represents a major advance for the creator. This is not to say that every provision is favorable to the creator. The new law is extremely complex, and the effects of many of its provisions are even now the subject of debate. The improvements of the new law over the 1909 Copyright Act are of such significance, however, as to justify its characterization by the Register of Copyrights as "an author's bill." This paper, based upon a panel discussion of the new law held at the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts National Art Law Conference on December 3, 1976, in which the author participated, will outline some of the major advances for the creator in the 1976 Copyright Act.
Recommended Citation
I. Fred Koenigsberg,
The 1976 Copyright Act: Advances for the Creator,
26 Clev. St. L. Rev.
available at https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/clevstlrev/vol26/iss4/5
Symposium: Art and Law