"Altruism in the International Environment" by Lea Brilmayer


My topic is foreign aid, certain of the attitudes that we have towards foreign aid, and what if any moral grounding those attitudes might have. While it is likely that the most drastic proposals to slash the foreign aid budget will be defeated, there is no denying that some fairly drastic measures are on the table and are being taken rather seriously. Regardless of what happens in Congress this year, and regardless of what our president decides to do about any measures that Congress does adopt, the issue is likely to crop up as important during the next presidential election. While far from the only touchy issue on the contemporary political agenda, American foreign aid seems to strike a raw public nerve. There are ways to craft foreign policy that would do a better job at encouraging self-reliance than our foreign policies do now. Some of these have to do with the way we structure foreign aid and others do not. We should be looking for these and I will conclude with some suggestions.


The Sixtieth Cleveland-Marshall Fund Lecture
