

This article takes us from 1802 to the present, through two state constitutions and four constitutional conventions. The author shows how the crucible of history shaped and reshaped the Ohio Constitution - from early struggles, on the very threshold of statehood, between Jeffersonian Republicans and Federalists; to the pressures exerted in their respective eras by Abolitionists, Progressives, and Prohibitionists; to the quests for suffrage by blacks and women; to the economic impact of the Civil War and the growing industrialization of subsequent decades. Terzian performs this survey with careful attention to the political dynamics at each of Ohio's constitutional conventions - in 1802, 1850-51, 1873-74, and 1912. She paints her picture with illuminating quotations from the letters and speeches of the convention delegates who forged and amended Ohio's Constitutions.


Symposium: The Ohio Constitution - Then and Now: An Examination of the Law and History of the Ohio Constitution on the Occasion of Its Bicentennial
