"Bioprospecting Legislation in the United States: What We Are Doing, Wh" by Emily J. Stolfer


Bioprospecting is a growing worldwide effort to protect knowledge and the environment. With its potential economic benefit and technological advancements, bioprospecting will continue to grow as the world advances. Other nations have begun to protect the information available and continue to develop legislation. However, the United States has been hesitant to ratify international treaties or implement its own legislation. This Note examines both domestic and international efforts to protect both indigenous people and the environment. It analyzes the legislation the United States currently has in place but also examines where the United States is lacking. Regarding the United States’ failure to implement national legislation, this Note analyzes how two states have tried to implement local bioprospecting legislation instead. Finally, this Note makes a recommendation of what the United States or individual states should do in the future.
