This Article discusses how Wisconsin fell from grace. Once a model good government state that pioneered many democracy-enhancing laws, in a very short time, Wisconsin became a state where special interest money, most of which is undisclosed, dominates politics. This Article identifies several factors as being critical to Wisconsin’s descent. These include the state’s failure to nurture and build on the campaign finance reforms enacted in the 1970s and both the state’s and the United States Supreme Court’s failure to adequately regulate sham issue ads. As evidence of Wisconsin’s diminished status, this Article describes how several of the state’s most progressive laws have been undermined and how each of the three branches of the state’s government has been beset by scandal related to the increased importance of special interest money. Finally, this Article suggests that major change will come about only in the long term; such change will require both new campaign finance reforms and a shift in approach by the United States Supreme Court.
Recommended Citation
Lynn Adelman,
How Big Money Ruined Public Life in Wisconsin,
66 Clev. St. L. Rev.
available at https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/clevstlrev/vol66/iss1/5
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