"The Early History of The Cleveland Play House (1915-1984)" by Thomas Kubat
The Early History of The Cleveland Play House (1915-1984)


The Early History of The Cleveland Play House (1915-1984)


Thomas Kubat


The Cleveland Play House was first conceived in 1915 at the home of Charles and Minerva Brooks. The first productions were performed at the Ammon house on the estate of Francis Drury and, for a brief period, in a barn behind the house. In 1917 The Play House found a new home in an old Lutheran Church at E. 73rd and Cedar Avenue. This would remain their home for 10 years until they finally relocated to their present location at Euclid and E. 86th Street.

From its modest beginnings on the estate of Francis Drury The Cleveland Play House has grown to become one of the largest regional theaters in the United States. It is the “nation’s oldest continuously running resident theater company” (Oldenburg, 1985).

The Cleveland Play House, though, is more than just the sum of its buildings. In particular, it is the vision of its founders, managers and artistic directors, and the legacy of those who treaded the boards, some of whom went on to national fame, that best define The Play House and will follow the company no matter the venue.

This Web site, a collaborative effort between The Cleveland Play House and the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University, contains images of the theatres, prominent figures and future luminaries of the stage as well as the productions that comprise the history of The Cleveland Play House from its inception in 1915 to 1983-84, when the new complex was unveiled.

Date Created



Cleveland Memory Project

What is Cleveland Memory?

The Cleveland Memory Project is a freely searchable online collection of digital photos, texts, oral histories, videos and other local history resources, built by the Michael Schwartz Library at the Cleveland State University in collaboration with a host of community partners around Northeast Ohio.

The Early History of The Cleveland Play House (1915-1984)
