V.A. and Military Hospitals of Greater Cleveland
Boasting many fine hospitals and a reputation as a medical innovator, Greater Cleveland can also take pride in the medical facilities that have been provided for its wounded sons and daughters returning home from military service throughout the years. In 1811 the first medical facility for veterans was authorized by the federal government, but for the most part, the direct care and medical needs of veterans were met by the individual states and communities.
In 1837, the U.S. Congress authorized the creation of a network of 26 government-owned hospitals to provide medical care primarily for seamen. The U.S. Marine Hospital, which opened in 1852 on Erie (E. 9th) and Murrison streets in Cleveland, was part of this network. It moved to a new location at E. 124th and Fairhill Rd. in 1929 when the building and site were sold to the Pennsylvania Railroad. After 1953 the U.S. Marine Hospital closed down and was eventually given to the State of Ohio. 1959 it was re-opened as a state psychiatric facility, the Fairhill Psychiatric Hospital.
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Cleveland Memory Project
What is Cleveland Memory?
The Cleveland Memory Project is a freely searchable online collection of digital photos, texts, oral histories, videos and other local history resources, built by the Michael Schwartz Library at the Cleveland State University in collaboration with a host of community partners around Northeast Ohio.