League Park: Cleveland's Original Ballpark
Additional Project Participants
Joanne K. Cornelius
League Park, Cleveland's original ballpark was located at E. 66th and Lexington Ave. in Cleveland (see Google map). Cy Young pitched the first game there on May 1, 1891 for the National League Cleveland Spiders. Other famous players who appeared at League Park include Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Sachel Paige, Lou Gehrig, and Joe DiMaggio.
Built in the late 1800s, the ballpark was the site of numerous historic sports moments, including:
- the 1920 World Series
- the first grand slam in World Series history (1920 series)
- first unassisted triple play in baseball history (1920 series)
- Cleveland Indians pitcher Bob Feller's first game (1936)
The park, now a playground, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Date Created
Cleveland Memory Project
What is Cleveland Memory?
The Cleveland Memory Project is a freely searchable online collection of digital photos, texts, oral histories, videos and other local history resources, built by the Michael Schwartz Library at the Cleveland State University in collaboration with a host of community partners around Northeast Ohio.
Date Created: ca. 2004