Event Title
2/2 Women in Business: Today and Tomorrow. The Tech Industry Wants YOU!
BU 220
Event Website
Start Date
2-2-2016 11:30 AM
End Date
2-2-2016 12:30 PM
Women in Business: Today and Tomorrow. The Tech Industry Wants YOU! Tuesday, February 2nd - Join us in the College of Business from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Board Room (BU 220) to hear why more women are needed in the growing field of information systems. IS and IT careers are much needed in Northeast Ohio
Pre-Registration Required
2/2 Women in Business: Today and Tomorrow. The Tech Industry Wants YOU!
BU 220
Women in Business: Today and Tomorrow. The Tech Industry Wants YOU! Tuesday, February 2nd - Join us in the College of Business from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Board Room (BU 220) to hear why more women are needed in the growing field of information systems. IS and IT careers are much needed in Northeast Ohio