Marian Garth-Saffold discusses her time living in Moreland, her involvement in the community, and reasons she moved to and from Shaker. The choice to move to Moreland was influencd by its good school system and its acceptance of blacks in the 1960s. Marian talks with the interviewer about her job as a lab technician and then working for the unions. She discusses her daughter's impact on life in Shaker and Warrensville, where she and her husband moved when her daughter became the city's mayor. She discusses the urban renewal movement in Moreland and the development of a playground, and the construction of the Service Center and Sutton Place.
Garth Saffold, Marian (interviewee)
Dawson, Virginia (interviewer)
Moreland History Project
Document Type
Oral History
32 minutes
Recommended Citation
"Marian Garth Saffold interview, 12 October 2017" (2017). Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection. Interview 904001.
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