
Sisters Rebecca and Christina Attenson share their memories of growing up in the Coventry area of Cleveland Heights and owning the store Attenson's Antiques and Books on Coventry Road. Although the self-described hippies have grown up, their legacy lingers in Coventry's commercial district where the bizarre is never surprising.


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Nemeth, Sarah (interviewer)


Attenson, Rebecca (interviewee); Attenson, Christina (interviewee)


Cleveland Heights



Document Type

Oral History


25 minutes


Sarah Nemeth [00:00:00] Hi, my name is Sarah Nemeth. I'm here today with Rebecca and Christina Attenson. Today is August 10, 2018, and this is where the Cleveland Regional Oral History Project. Could you both please state your name for the record?

Rebecca Attenson [00:00:13] Rebecca Attenson.

Christina Attenson [00:00:15] Christina Attenson

Sarah Nemeth [00:00:18] Where and when were you guys born.

Christina Attenson [00:00:20] Well, we were born... I was born in 1967 in Cleveland.

Rebecca Attenson [00:00:25] 1967 in Cleveland Heights.

Christina Attenson [00:00:27] No, you were born in '65.

Rebecca Attenson [00:00:28] Oh, '65! [laughs].

Christina Attenson [00:00:30] Yay, Cleveland. Yeah. Really. We were born in hospitals in Cleveland, but we grew up in Cleveland Heights.

Sarah Nemeth [00:00:37] And... What is your first memories of Coventry?

Christina Attenson [00:00:43] Riding down on our bicycles from like the Noble Road area, so it was quite a cruise for us as kids in the '70s. And just hanging out and the...

Rebecca Attenson [00:00:53] I particularly remember the Coventry Street Fair.

Christina Attenson [00:00:56] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:00:56] Riding our bicycles down here.

Christina Attenson [00:00:58] Mm-hmm.

Rebecca Attenson [00:00:59] And watching all of the people participate, the hippies, and that was the first time I ever saw a mime performing. And it was really mesmerizing.

Christina Attenson [00:01:09] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:01:10] You know, just watching the older people...

Christina Attenson [00:01:12] Yeah, they used to close...

Rebecca Attenson [00:01:13] mingling around.

Christina Attenson [00:01:15] They used to close the street down and there would be rock bands. And it was, it was just amazing.

Rebecca Attenson [00:01:20] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:01:21] Really, really fun and different times.

Rebecca Attenson [00:01:23] Listening to live music. And one other thing I really enjoyed was going to the Heights Pet World because they had tarantulas and, you know, unusual animals and pets there.

Christina Attenson [00:01:36] I don't remember that at all. I don't know...

Sarah Nemeth [00:01:39] Could you maybe describe like what the atmosphere looked like on Coventry during the time of the counterculture? So, like, kind of the hippies, what did they look like?

Rebecca Attenson [00:01:53] Bellbottoms, long hair, maybe shirtless guys, you know, and girls with halter tops and maybe a tattoo here and there, you know, and they looked cool. We kind of looked up to them.

Christina Attenson [00:02:06] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:02:06] Sandals and leather, leather purses, fringe leather vests. Just the cool crowd.

Christina Attenson [00:02:14] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:02:16] And where did you go to school? In this vicinity?

Rebecca Attenson [00:02:21] Yes, Oxford Elementary, Monticello Junior High, and Cleveland Heights High School.

Sarah Nemeth [00:02:29] What did you call this area? Did you always call it Coventry?

Rebecca Attenson [00:02:33] It was always just Coventry, one word to describe it.

Christina Attenson [00:02:37] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:02:39] And were the hippies, were they friendly?

Rebecca Attenson [00:02:43] Yeah, man! [laughs]

Christina Attenson [00:02:45] Yeah, yeah. We were just little kids, so. Well, you know, she's a little older than me, so, you know, we didn't have a whole lot of personal interaction with them. I remember though that mime was up by Record Revolution, and he was performing. And I didn't see him drop it, but I saw a five dollar bill on the ground, and I was thrilled. Never had money, you know? Oh, my gosh. And then some of the people were pointing to me and then came up to me and said, that's the mime's, you know, and I let him perform. And then I went up and I gave it back to them and everyone was clapping for me.

Rebecca Attenson [00:03:22] Oh!

Christina Attenson [00:03:23] But they were happy. I wasn't! [laughs] No! [laughs].

Rebecca Attenson [00:03:26] You did a good deed.

Christina Attenson [00:03:27] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:03:28] As a little kid giving back the money. Man. Morals.

Christina Attenson [00:03:32] Yes, yes.

Christina Attenson [00:03:34] What were some of the stores and businesses that, maybe as you got a little bit older, that you went to other than maybe your own?

Rebecca Attenson [00:03:43] Right. I remember High Tide Rock Bottom.

Christina Attenson [00:03:46] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:03:46] Really being a fun store with rocks and minerals in the most beautiful greeting cards.

Christina Attenson [00:03:52] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:03:53] And...

Christina Attenson [00:03:53] Unusual. Real glass eye jewelry and bracelets or rings and belt buckles.

Rebecca Attenson [00:03:59] Yes. Our mother bought us eye jewelry. I have a leather bracelet with a real prosthetic eye in it. You know, so bizarre, interesting gift items [Mm-hmm] that you couldn't get anywhere else. And also the jewelry, just pretty jewelry. I remember seeing the Saloon here. It wasn't a place I went into, but you know, it was one of the bars that, you know, the older crowd hung out at.

Sarah Nemeth [00:04:26] Where there a lot of, like, motorcycles... Like, were you around when the motorcycles, the motorcyclists were still here?

Rebecca Attenson [00:04:33] Not that much.

Christina Attenson [00:04:34] I never saw them down here. But I know that they were.

Rebecca Attenson [00:04:37] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:04:38] Bikers.

Rebecca Attenson [00:04:39] Never saw real big monsters. [laughs].

Christina Attenson [00:04:44] At, where American Apparel is, that used to be a appliance store and had to be mid '80s or so. That's when we got our first microwave there. My mom bought it for the family for Christmas, remembering that I have, getting our first microwave in Coventry.

Sarah Nemeth [00:05:01] So what did you first microwave?

Christina Attenson [00:05:03] But I think a baked potato. [laughs].

Rebecca Attenson [00:05:09] That was delicious.

Christina Attenson [00:05:10] Yeah, I was really angry, but she wouldn't let us... She wouldn't let us use it until Christmas, you know? And I was so excited. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She wrapped it up. I was the only one who knew. Weird memories, fun memories.

Sarah Nemeth [00:05:24] Still the 1980s, like, I know that you are kind of like kids then. So like transitioning from the '70s to the '80s, do you think that there was a change that occurred in the area at that time? Like, did it feel different?

Christina Attenson [00:05:41] Well yeah, I mean, since I was older and, you know, felt more of, you know, not a little kid anymore, it's more like my place now. You know, I was in the '80s and it was that's so hippie-ish. But like New Wave? It's still a place where you could just... It rolls with the times. You know, anything really goes here.

Rebecca Attenson [00:06:05] Oh. Right.

Christina Attenson [00:06:08] Yeah, did you? You didn't hang up too much in the teenage years here?

Rebecca Attenson [00:06:13] No, not really. Just, you know, looked at it more of a shopping experience probably than just coming down here to, you know, see the hippie crowd and listen to music. It was more about shopping...

Christina Attenson [00:06:27] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:06:27] Going in the stores and, you know.

Christina Attenson [00:06:31] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:06:32] So it kind of transitioned from like a place to just hang out with destination where you came do something?

Rebecca Attenson and Christina Attenson [00:06:40] Yes.

Rebecca Attenson [00:06:41] To pick something up. A cool piece of jewelry or cool leather. Good item or something like that.

Christina Attenson [00:06:48] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:06:49] What about... I'm trying to find someone in the 1990s to remember that time. Like what's going on in the '90s? What did the people look like?

Rebecca Attenson [00:07:00] More reserved, not, you know...

Christina Attenson [00:07:03] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:07:04] Not quite as far out, but...

Christina Attenson [00:07:10] You know, I was in my 20s then, so I wasn't down here too much. I had my daughter in '94. So...

Rebecca Attenson [00:07:16] There weren't many fashion trends then, you know, like that. The big bell bottoms and not the '80s big hair and all of that, so things just seemed a little more normal, a little more mainstream. You know, Coventry is not mainstream.

Christina Attenson [00:07:29] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:07:31] So do, did you ever see any of the punks like...

Rebecca Attenson [00:07:36] Actually, yeah. The mohawks, you know?

Christina Attenson [00:07:39] And the diferent colored hair, and the spiked hair.

Rebecca Attenson [00:07:45] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:07:46] But you'll still see that today, on occasion.

Sarah Nemeth [00:07:50] So, do you know where, like, where you were hanging out other places in Cleveland, do you know where the hippies went?

Rebecca Attenson and Christina Attenson [00:08:00] [Laughs].

Christina Attenson [00:08:00] I think they grew up, got older. [laughs] You know? Those are the real hippies. Anyone that dresses like that now is, I don't consider real. You know? They started in the '60s and '70s, so, I think they just grew up and grew older.

Rebecca Attenson [00:08:17] Right. That's probably what happened.

Rebecca Attenson [00:08:19] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:08:20] Was there any tension between youth in Coventry and then maybe more like another group of more establishment?

Christina Attenson [00:08:32] I don't know, I didn't really get involved in that. Like I said, I was young, when the hippies were there, so I was oblivious to that. So I couldn't even speak on that.

Rebecca Attenson [00:08:44] I didn't experience any of that.

Sarah Nemeth [00:08:49] So maybe you could just, with a few more words, were you here in the '90s to now?

Rebecca Attenson [00:08:57] In the, yeah, about '92, working here, I was.

Rebecca Attenson [00:09:02] Maybe if you could talk about when you first opened the store, your family, when was that?

Christina Attenson [00:09:09] It was what, '88?

Rebecca Attenson [00:09:10] '88 is when the store opened and I didn't join...

Christina Attenson [00:09:14] I wasn't part of that.

Rebecca Attenson [00:09:15] ... until the early 90s.

Christina Attenson [00:09:16] Yeah, I wasn't part... I didn't join the business until around 2000. So, unfortunately. If my brother were here, he would, he would have the memories. We don't.

Rebecca Attenson [00:09:27] And what did you want to know in particular?

Sarah Nemeth [00:09:30] Just like kind of what was it like to open the store and become a part of the commercial strip of Coventry at the time?

Rebecca Attenson [00:09:37] Yeah, well, it felt good. We were proud to be here. It was an area where more people came to shop. It was busier, you know, a lot of foot traffic. So, you know, it was exciting. People always stopping in and then getting to know just the locals. You know? People kind of became friends as well as customers. So we'd learn their names and, you know, would be able to say hello to them. You know, families would be down here milling about, you know, so it was always a nice neighborhood feeling here, you know?

Christina Attenson [00:10:14] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:10:14] Proud to be a part of it then and still proud now.

Christina Attenson [00:10:17] Yeah. When I found out that our parents and brother were opening here, because we used to be on Noble Road, I was excited. I was really happy, you know, like, oh, we're going to be a part of the Coventry scene now, you know? It's a very good thing.

Rebecca Attenson [00:10:34] Yeah. And everybody's easygoing. You know, people get along. It's just a very comfortable feeling down here. You walk down to get lunch and just, you know, very casual, relaxed.

Sarah Nemeth [00:10:46] When you first moved here, do you know if your clientele were mostly, like, were you self-sustained by the residents around Coventry, or was it mostly people visiting from outside, or a mix?

Christina Attenson [00:11:05] A mix.

Rebecca Attenson [00:11:05] I would say a mix. A lot from the locals, but we also had antique dealers that would travel through Ohio and stop at our store to see what we had and, you know, load up a truck full of furniture and that type of thing, but very much supported by the local community as well.

Sarah Nemeth [00:11:26] Do you get that feeling that the local community supports all of the establishments on Coventry?

Christina Attenson [00:11:33] Oh, yeah, very much.

Rebecca Attenson [00:11:35] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:11:35] There was speculation of the Coventry School building closing or being sold to the city or something, and the community really rallied to keep it, keep the P.E.A.C.E. Park and keep the playground, you know. So, yeah, yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:11:53] You know, a lot of local support, really, [crosstalk] because these are not chain stores that people just go to buy a certain product. It's a unique experience. And, you know, the local community as well as people visiting from, you know, out of town. When students move in each year for college, you know, it seems like they bring their parents. And so we get business from that too.

Sarah Nemeth [00:12:26] Do you, did you ever notice a large Russian population around here?

Rebecca Attenson [00:12:31] Russian? Yeah, we've had our share of Russian customers. Yes [Mm-hmm], a lot of older ladies, you know, and we've had some really nice friends and customers that are Russian. And an old couple used to bring us, you know, bags to use, you know, just to help our, you know, help the business with recycling and that type of thing.

Christina Attenson [00:12:51] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:12:51] Yeah, we have noticed that.

Sarah Nemeth [00:12:56] What about Jewish? Is there still a large Jewish population here?

Rebecca Attenson [00:13:00] Decent size. Yes, [Mm-hmm]we have Jewish customers and, yeah, we sell a bit of Judaica...

Christina Attenson [00:13:09] In the last 10 years though it's rise with Asian[s].

Sarah Nemeth [00:13:13] So you mentioned earlier the Coventry Street Fair. Could you describe that a little bit more? Like when did it normally take place? Who was in attendance? Was it residents from around here or were people from all over coming down to Coventry?

Christina Attenson [00:13:31] Well, yeah, I was... Go ahead.

Rebecca Attenson [00:13:33] Well, I was going to say, well they'd block off the street, you know, [Yeah] from like Mayfield to Euclid Heights Boulevard. [Yeah] Yeah. And there'd be bands, maybe at least two, maybe three bands. And so that was a great atmosphere.

Christina Attenson [00:13:46] It's always in summer.

Rebecca Attenson [00:13:47] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:13:47] For a weekend?

Christina Attenson [00:13:49] I think it was a weekend event. [Uh-huh] Jugglers, you know, probably the face painting, the mimes, you know, food vendors, I think I remember that. You know, the parking lot up there...

Christina Attenson [00:14:02] It wasn't a parking garage.

Rebecca Attenson [00:14:04] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:14:05] It was just like an open lot.

Rebecca Attenson [00:14:06] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:14:07] Or a parking lot?

Rebecca Attenson [00:14:07] Yeah, I think so. But they had, you know, maybe different vendors, and it was a lot of locals and you know, the surrounding area. I don't think people came from other states or anything. [Yeah] It wasn't really that big, you know.

Christina Attenson [00:14:21] Yeah, I think it was more community. Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:14:25] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:14:27] Would you say that this area has residents with an activist mentality, like they're always out to go try to better something more actively involved in the community?

Christina Attenson [00:14:42] Yeah, I very much think so. But, I don't know, have you ever seen the little park up on Hampshire? the corner of Hampshire and Cadwell? It's not really a park. It's a patch of land and a garden. And...

Rebecca Attenson [00:14:55] It's called the Peace Park, no it's not the Peace Park.

Christina Attenson [00:14:55] You know, there used to be an old, abandoned house there. And it was abandoned forever.

Sarah Nemeth [00:15:01] Is it the Spirit House?

Rebecca Attenson [00:15:02] Yes, Spirit Corner.

Christina Attenson [00:15:05] Spirit Corner, that's what it is.

Sarah Nemeth [00:15:06] Did you, as a little kid, ever hear stories about the house?

Christina Attenson [00:15:11] I never did. But my son used to come to work with me and he was always creeped out by it. [laughs] And then the, the, as far as I know, just the neighbors got together, you know, and made it into a little Spirit Corner. Read the books. And it's all community, you know, neighborhood efforts, volunteers. We have, Cleveland Heights is very much like that.

Sarah Nemeth [00:15:32] Like, I feel sometimes when people think about activism or activists, they think of kind of that counterculture mentality, but they forget that there's other activism that you can do. And I think that Coventry, and I don't know if you'll concur with this, kind of like shifted from that radical activism to kind of more like... still activist, but kind of the mainstream [Yeah] activism...

Rebecca Attenson and Christina Attenson [00:15:55] Yeah. Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:15:58] To better their community for their children.

Christina Attenson [00:15:59] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:16:00] Right. That's important to the city of Cleveland Heights, and I agree.

Christina Attenson [00:16:06] Yeah. I don't see 'em as radical at all. [laughs]

Sarah Nemeth [00:16:10] So since you've been a part of this business since 2000, how has the Coventry changed from like the Heights Pet Store and High Tide Rock Bottom? Like what's taking place on the street now?

Christina Attenson [00:16:23] Well, it's kind of up in the air, too, you know, with Big Fun leaving, that was a big blow. So, don't know, we're just hoping something good will go in there.

Rebecca Attenson [00:16:35] There's still unique stores.

Christina Attenson [00:16:36] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:16:36] You know, there are a lot of clothing stores, but they're boutiques, you know, and kind of one of a kind places, restaurants, which are nice. There's... There's more restaurants than there used to be.

Christina Attenson [00:16:49] Yeah. And we're all in... This September, what's going on, is we're celebrating 30 years here. Passport to Peru is 40, Mac's Backs is 40, and Record Revolution's 50. So we're planning a little event on September 29th, so... And we're getting it out there in the Heights Observer and hopefully other platforms to, you know, to even just thank the community too for keeping us in business here, you know.

Rebecca Attenson [00:17:20] Right. So. And milestones for Record Revolution, you know, to be here for 50 years, it kind of blows my mind.

Sarah Nemeth [00:17:31] Did you ever go there like before?

Rebecca Attenson [00:17:33] Yes! Oh, yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:17:35] We'd go there as children. Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:17:36] Very good place to buy...

Christina Attenson [00:17:36] It was a big store, [crosstalk] it was fun, we thought we were cool... [crosstalk].

Rebecca Attenson [00:17:40] Posters, t-shirts, records...

Christina Attenson [00:17:41] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:17:45] Yes. Go right ahead. Free concert. In fact, I don't know if you're still recording. Just there's no more street fairs though, so that's kind of sad.

Sarah Nemeth [00:18:00] Do you know why it ended?

Rebecca Attenson [00:18:03] Not exactly when that ended. But, you know, and we tried to revive it and...

Christina Attenson [00:18:08] Yeah, it wasn't ever like it used to be in the '70s when we did do something, like they stopped closing the street down completely. And then a couple of years ago with social media and everything, we had a whole, like a flash mob of kids coming down. And it was a little chaotic and, I mean very chaotic, you know, and they just decided they had to stop and keep it smaller, just do little events, which we do all summer long. You know, tomorrow's Star Wars Day, you know, and they do movies on Thursday nights. But it just... It was harder to maintain.

Sarah Nemeth [00:18:46] Yeah, it seems that the big festivals and such are much more difficult to control.

Christina Attenson [00:18:53] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:18:53] Like when people are getting out of hand.

Christina Attenson [00:18:56] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:18:56] Not that they weren't probably out of hand in the '70s with various activities going on underneath the scene.

Christina Attenson [00:19:04] But maybe a little bit mellow. [laughs].

Sarah Nemeth [00:19:09] So just briefly, could you maybe describe in detail a little bit more Record Revolution? I am meeting with Rob for another oral history, but.

Rebecca Attenson [00:19:18] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:19:19] I think I remember Rob as a young girl. He had dreads. He was working there. He wasn't the original owner, but he was the manager or something. I believe it was him. And I remember being in the basement looking through albums and stuff, and he gave me an Aerosmith wood... It would've... It was a box, and it would have contained several albums, but there were no albums in it. But it was just so cool to get that because I loved Aerosmith, and he just gave it to me, and I thought, wow, you know, this is wonderful, you know.

Rebecca Attenson [00:19:53] Right.

Christina Attenson [00:19:53] And you know, back then as kids, as I said, before I was even a teenager, we could go into stores, but now we can't let these adolescents come in without parents. So it was a free, you know?

Rebecca Attenson [00:20:09] Right. Right. And I mainly remember the posters and the records and just, you know, cool atmosphere.

Sarah Nemeth [00:20:17] Some people have described like walking in there and you could kind of just talk to anybody like and I mean just kind of from the feel of this place that you just approach anybody. And it was really open and really talk your ear off about, you know, whatever it is. What do you think that's changed?

Rebecca Attenson [00:20:39] Not too much? I don't think that's changed too much.

Christina Attenson [00:20:41] Yeah.

Rebecca Attenson [00:20:41] I think the merchants are friendly. And, you know, [Yeah] always have an open ear and, you know, and...

Christina Attenson [00:20:48] Sometimes you enjoy going out the front door to have a cigarette because I guess I want to be left alone, you know, you always run into somebody, and not so much merchanrs, but sometimes just the oddballs on the street, you know? [laughs].

Sarah Nemeth [00:21:01] Could you describe like the odd situation or like the character of Coventry, the characters?

Christina Attenson [00:21:15] I don't know. I just think anything goes, you know, people just find their way here and you can be anything you you want. You know, we've had lots of different types of people. I mean, we give them nicknames, you know [laughs], and, I don't know if that answers your question, but it's always been, you know, you never are surprised by seeing bizarre outfits...

Rebecca Attenson [00:21:39] An orange mohawk [Yeah] or, you know...

Christina Attenson [00:21:42] It's just not surprising. It's like this is, that's what Coventry is. You can come down here and just be anything you want. You want to be conservative or really out there. It's fine. You know. I was oging to say something, it slipped my mind. Oh, when I do see somebody with a tie-dyed shirt on, I know they've come from a little bit farther away, you know, because they wanna, they want to they know that it's like the hippie place, ithe history of it, so that you can be like, you know, and if you go to a different state and the people up there can pick out the tourists, that's how I know they're not from around here, you know? [laughs]

Sarah Nemeth [00:22:24] So like on the street signs they have, like the tie dye? Like, do you think that through those visuals they're trying to create an illusion that that presence is still here?

Rebecca Attenson [00:22:38] Yeah.

Christina Attenson [00:22:38] Yeah, and I don't even think it's an illusion, it's still there, the essence is still here. There are things that've changed a bit, but it's just because fashion has changed, social, you know, all the social media, you know, things are different. A lot of, but I believe that the essence will always be here, what it always was and it always will be.

Sarah Nemeth [00:23:05] Well, I appreciate both of you talking to me today. And do you have anything else that you would like to add about your store or...

Christina Attenson [00:23:14] Um, no other than we're going to be celebrating 30 years, and we're real proud of that. I hope Rob brings up – I don't know if he'll bring it up, but, and I believe it's a true story – that the term rock and roll was coined in that basement with Alan Freed. And they did broadcasting from there. Yeah, I'm sure he'll bring it up, but...

Sarah Nemeth [00:23:38] Well, I'll definitely ask him that question.

Christina Attenson [00:23:39] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:23:41] That's cool. I didn't know that it was actually in the basement of Record Revolution that that's where the... where it was coined.

Christina Attenson [00:23:46] Yeah.

Sarah Nemeth [00:23:46] I know it was coined in Cleveland...

Sarah Nemeth [00:23:50] Yeah, I believe it was down there in the basement, Alan Freed, because they did do some broadcasting, and the lady that was doing the article in the Heights Observer was doing research on them too. And so there was broadcasting going on in the basement. So. Yeah, yeah. It's got a rich history.

Rebecca Attenson [00:24:09] Mm hmm.

Sarah Nemeth [00:24:11] Is there anything else that you might want to add about your store? Not to put you on the spot, or about the street, how it's changed?

Rebecca Attenson [00:24:21] Well, as far as the store, you know, we carry a little bit of everything. We have antiques, jewelry, we have books, we have record albums. We have vintage clothing. We buy from the public, the general public, and we sell to the general public. And, um [crosstalk], yeah, we own all of this. And just Coventry is a great destination because there's unique shops, there's nice restaurants, there's great people, friendly people. And, you know, even though some of the hippies have gone, you know, like my sister said, the essence is still here. And I think people can feel that and enjoy the laidback atmosphere, so... Proud to be part of it.

Sarah Nemeth [00:25:10] Well, thank you so much.

Rebecca Attenson [00:25:12] Okay. You're welcome.

Christina Attenson [00:25:13] It's been a pleasure.

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