Gerald Hughes is an African American Clevelander who served within the Cleveland City Schools for many years. He describes his various positions at various schools. He also points out differences and similarities these schools experienced. He recalls how it was to work with the PTA and how important it is to have an active parent base. He recalls the challenges that busing brought to the school district. He then discusses what it was like to live in Cleveland Heights and his fond memories of Cain Park, among other places. He briefly discusses how the sectionalism that divided the city on East-West lines dissolved and downtown Cleveland became a central location.
Hughes, Gerald (interviewee)
Klypchak, Timothy (interviewer)
Provost Summer Program
Document Type
Oral History
60 minutes
Recommended Citation
"Gerald Hughes Interview, 17 July 2013" (2013). Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection. Interview 990040.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.