Bill Jirousek discusses the guidelines and perameters for establishing a garden within the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. He explains the difference between officially established gardens and the gardens in the process of establishing themselves. Mr. Jirousek mentions the importance of fundraising and safty within the gardens toward their future success. There is a discussion about the guidelines each garden must abide by when deliberating about new sculptures and the steps necessary for an ehtnic community to eastablish a garden. Other topics include the importance of the Gardens Federation, maintaining and restoring sculptures within the gardens, and the importance of the gardens to the local and national community.
Jirousek, Bill (Interviewee)
Cleveland Cultural Gardens series 1
Document Type
Oral History
45 minutes
Recommended Citation
"Bill Jirousek Interview, 2 December 2002" (2002). Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection. Interview 800024.
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