Daniel Ray Pickral, born in 1957, comes from an agricultural background. After he graduated from college he traveled around the country and lived "wherever Amtrak went." He discovered skating and started skating and hitchhiking around the country, paying his way with odd jobs and giving interviews to strangers about his travels and lifestyle. Once he got to Cleveland, in 1991, he knew this was the place to settle because of the people's generosity. While in Cleveland he has picked up litter, helped stray dogs, been associated with the Cleveland Public Theatre, helped people set up community and private gardens, and has mostly remained homeless, living a semi-nomadic life.
Pickrer, Daniel Ray (interviewee)
Project Team
Document Type
Oral History
60 minutes
Recommended Citation
"Daniel Ray Pickrer interview, 2006" (2006). Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection. Interview 999020.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.