"Waste Treatment in the Biotechnology, Agricultural and Food Industries" by Lawrence K. Wang, Mu-Hao Sung Wang et al.
Waste Treatment in the Biotechnology, Agricultural and Food Industries. Volume 2

Waste Treatment in the Biotechnology, Agricultural and Food Industries. Volume 2


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This book and its sister book (Volume 1) of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering (HEE) series have been designed to serve as a mini-series covering waste treatment in biotechnology, agricultural and food industries. It is expected to be of value to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, to designers of sustainable biological resources systems, and to scientists and researchers. The aim of these books is to provide information on bio-environmental engineering, and to serve as a basis for advanced study or specialized investigation of the theory and analysis of various agricultural and natural resources systems.



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Waste treatment, Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, Agricultural waste, Biotransformation


Environmental Engineering


Volume 2 covers topics on: (a) application of secondary flotation-filtration and coagulant recycle for improvement of a pulp mill primary waste treatment facility; (b) management of solid and hazardous wastes; (c) microbial enzymes for wastewater treatment; (d) a multi-criteria approach to appropriate treatment technology selection for water reclamation; (e) chemicals used in agriculture: hazards and associated toxicity issues; (f) biochar for adsorptive removal of pharmaceuticals from environmental water; (g) treatment of palm oil mill effluent; (h) treatment and management of solid waste by incineration; (i) technologies for removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from industrial effluents and/or potable water sources; (j) treatment of healthcare waste.

Waste Treatment in the Biotechnology, Agricultural and Food Industries. Volume 2
