"Liners for Waste" by Aik Heng Lee, Hamid Nikraz et al.

Liners for Waste

Document Type

Contribution to Books

Publication Date


Publication Title

Handbook of Environment and Waste Management: Volume 2: Land and Groundwater Pollution Control


© 2014 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Leachate from waste landfill is attracting attention due to environmental impacts related to pollution of groundwater and surface water. Typically, four groups of leachate pollutants namely dissolved organic matters, inorganic matters, heavy metals, and xenobiotic organic compounds vary in concentration during acid phase and methanogenic phase required landfill to be lined. Several types of liners consist of clay, geomembranes, geotextiles, geosynthetic clay liner, and geonet are generally used in municipal solid waste (MSW), which have to take into considerations of hydraulic conductivity, shear strength, chemical compatibility, and resistant to creep and puncture.


