"Structural Reliability Analysis of Laminated CMC Components" by Stephen F. Duffy, Joseph L. Palko et al.

Structural Reliability Analysis of Laminated CMC Components

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo


Copyright © 1991 by ASME. For laminated ceramic matrix composite (CMC) materials to realize their full potential in aerospace applications design, methods and protocols are a necessity. This paper focuses on the time-independent failure response of these materials and presents a reliability analysis associated with the initiation of matrix cracking. It highlights a public domain computer algorithm that has been coupled with the laminate analysis of a finite element code and which serves as a design aid to analyze structural components made from laminated CMC materials. Issues relevant to the effect of the size of the component are discussed, and a parameter estimation procedure is presented. The estimation procedure allows three parameters to be calculated from a failure population that has an underlying Weibull distribution.




