"Landfill After-Care Management Plan" by Mohamed Shahrir M. Zahari, Izan Jaafar et al.

Landfill After-Care Management Plan

Document Type

Contribution to Books

Publication Date


Publication Title

Handbook of Environmental Engineering: Solid Waste Engineering and Management: Volume 2


Management of a landfill is a continuous process that proceeds long after the active landfill period, which is called landfill post-closure/after-care management. In most developed and developing countries, this after-care period is regulated for a minimum of 30 years after landfill closure. This ensures waste stabilization within the landfill layers, and there are minimal environmental threats to the surrounding area, especially from the leachate and landfill gas emissions. This chapter covers the legislation and requirements imposed by most countries related to the proper management of landfills during this passive phase, which involves the monitoring requirement and emission evaluation. The basic principles of landfill technology, its types, and operation will first be discussed as it influences after-care management. Emphasis will be made toward three methods/approaches (evaluation through target value, evaluation using impact/risk assessment, and evaluation through a performance-based system) in determining the completion or endpoint for the post-closure period. Both the advantages and disadvantages of each method will be further discussed and summarized.




