Chemicals Used in Agriculture: Hazards and Associated Toxicity Issues

Document Type

Contribution to Books

Publication Date


Publication Title

Waste Treatment in the Biotechnology, Agricultural and Food Industries, Vol. 2


A wide range of chemical compounds (e.g., fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, molluscicides, nematicides, and rodenticides) are used in agriculture to ensure maximum production of the crop. They are collectively known as agrochemical or agrichemical. The use of agrochemicals/agrichemicals increases crop productivity, but it is a threat to public health and they are a constant source of soil pollution and contaminate various water bodies. Exposure to these chemicals can occur in life from various modes of contact such as breathing, touching, drinking, and eating. Humans are more vulnerable than other living organisms due to the impact of hazardous chemicals. Their toxic effect causes various chronicities in humans. Known chronic effects observed in humans due to exposure to agricultural chemicals are birth defects, cancers, immunotoxicity, reproductive disorders, disruption of the endocrine system, neurological disorders, and so on. The degree of toxicity indicates its judicious use to meet a standard for the safety of the environment and humans.


