"On a Robust Control System Design for an Electric Power Assist Steerin" by Lili Dong, Prasanth Kandula et al.

On a Robust Control System Design for an Electric Power Assist Steering System

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010


This paper presents the application of an active disturbance rejection controller (ADRC) to an electrical power assist steering system (EPAS) in automobiles. The control objective is to reduce the steering torque exerted by a driver so as to achieve good steering feel in the presences of external disturbances and system uncertainties. With the proposed ADRC, the driver can turn the steering wheel with the desired steering torque which is independent of load torques that tend to vary depending on driving conditions. The ADRC is constructed on a column-type EPAS model. The computer simulation and frequency-domain analyses verified the robustness and stability of the ADRC controlled system. © 2010 AACC.
